
產(chǎn)品中心您當前的位置:首頁 > 產(chǎn)品中心 > 美國BK PRECISION > 信號源等儀器 > 4084BK PRECISION函數(shù)信號發(fā)生器

基礎(chǔ)信息Product information

產(chǎn)品名稱:BK PRECISION函數(shù)信號發(fā)生器




美國BK PRECISION 4040A函數(shù)信號發(fā)生器
美國BK PRECISION 4084函數(shù)信號發(fā)生器
美國BK PRECISION 4085函數(shù)信號發(fā)生器
美國BK PRECISION 4084AWG任意波形函數(shù)信號發(fā)生器
美國BK PRECISION 4075任意波形函數(shù)信號發(fā)生器

產(chǎn)品特性Product characteristics

    中國電子行業(yè)儀器優(yōu)質(zhì)供應商——堅融實業(yè)JETYOO INDUSTRIAL & 堅友(上海)測量儀器JETYOO INSTRUMENTS,專業(yè)為中國區(qū)用戶提供的儀器設備、技術(shù)培訓與售后維修服務,Support、銷售Sale、服務Service,3S公司,為上海華東地區(qū)*一家以技術(shù)為導向的儀器綜合服務商,是您值得信賴的電子行業(yè)儀器專家。

美國BK PRECISION 4084函數(shù)信號發(fā)生器概述
Model 4084AWG is a laboratory grade synthesized function generator with arbitrary capability. Direct digital synthesis (DDS) techniques are used to create stable, accurate output signals for all 27 built-in standard and complex (arbitrary) waveforms as well as custom arbitrary waveforms. The 4084AWG produces high purity, low distortion sine waves and square waves up to 20 MHz and provides extensive analog modulation capabilities including AM, FM, FSK, PSK, pulse modulation, burst mode and linear/logarithmic sweep combined with multiple trigger modes. The included intuitive Windows Software lets users create and edit custom arbitrary waveforms and download them with a single click to the instrument's non volatile memory. Unmatched affordability and high performance make the 4084AWG a perfect fit for many applications in Electronic Test and Design, Sensor Simulation and Education and Training.

Clean and stable output of very small signals down to the 1mV - 10mV range (50 ohm)
Support of internal and external modulation sources as well as internal, external and gated trigger sources
Create arbitrary waveforms with 10 bit vertical resolution, 16k memory depth and a sample rate of 200 MSa/s
Seamless import of waveforms from any Tektronix® TDS1000, TDS2000, TPS2000 and TDS3000 series digital storage oscilloscope. Easily recreate waveforms originating from the DSO's display or internal memory.
Fully programmable via the standard RS232 interface using SCPI compatible commands.
100 MHz Universal Counter with frequency measurement and totalize function

美國BK PRECISION函數(shù)信號發(fā)生器系列
美國BK PRECISION 3001音頻發(fā)生器Audio Generator
美國BK PRECISION函數(shù)信號發(fā)生器4001A
美國BK PRECISION 3003波形發(fā)生器
美國BK PRECISION 2005B信號發(fā)生器
美國BK PRECISION 4005DDS函數(shù)信號發(fā)生器
美國BK PRECISION 4011A函數(shù)信號發(fā)生器
美國BK PRECISION 4007B函數(shù)信號發(fā)生器
美國BK PRECISION 4012A函數(shù)信號發(fā)生器
美國BK PRECISION 4030函數(shù)信號發(fā)生器
美國BK PRECISION 4013B函數(shù)信號發(fā)生器
美國BK PRECISION 4017A函數(shù)信號發(fā)生器
美國BK PRECISION 4040A函數(shù)信號發(fā)生器
美國BK PRECISION 4084函數(shù)信號發(fā)生器
美國BK PRECISION 4085函數(shù)信號發(fā)生器
美國BK PRECISION 4084AWG任意波形函數(shù)信號發(fā)生器
美國BK PRECISION 4075任意波形函數(shù)信號發(fā)生器
美國BK PRECISION 4075GPIB任意波形函數(shù)信號發(fā)生器
美國BK PRECISION 4087函數(shù)信號發(fā)生器
美國BK PRECISION任意波形函數(shù)信號發(fā)生器4086AWG
美國BK PRECISION 4076任意波形函數(shù)信號發(fā)生器
美國BK PRECISION 4078任意波形函數(shù)信號發(fā)生器
美國BK PRECISION 4078GPIB任意波形函數(shù)信號發(fā)生器
美國BK PRECISION 4079任意波形函數(shù)信號發(fā)生器
美國BK PRECISION 4033脈沖信號發(fā)生器
美國BK PRECISION 4034脈沖信號發(fā)生器


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上一篇:4079MG BK PRECISION任意波形函數(shù)信號發(fā)生器

下一篇:美國BK PRECISION 5492B萬用表