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U5855A 美國KEYSIGHT是德TrueIR熱像儀,350°C
U5856A美國是德KEYSIGHT紅外熱像儀 TrueIR Thermal Imager, 650 °C
U5857A美國是德KEYSIGHT熱像儀 TrueIR Thermal Imager, 1200 °C

產(chǎn)品特性Product characteristics

       中國電子行業(yè)儀器優(yōu)質(zhì)供應(yīng)商——堅融實業(yè)JETYOO INDUSTRIAL & 堅友儀器JETYOO INSTRUMENTS,專業(yè)為中國區(qū)用戶提供*進的儀器設(shè)備、技術(shù)培訓與售后維修服務(wù),是Agilent安捷倫【現(xiàn)改名為keysight是德】廠家認證的Support、銷售Sale、服務(wù)Service,3S公司,為上海華東地區(qū)一家以技術(shù)為導(dǎo)向的儀器綜合服務(wù)商,是您值得信賴的電子行業(yè)儀器專家。


U5855A 美國KEYSIGHT是德TrueIR熱像儀,350°C
U5856A美國是德KEYSIGHT紅外熱像儀 TrueIR Thermal Imager, 650 °C
U5857A美國是德KEYSIGHT熱像儀 TrueIR Thermal Imager, 1200 °C

U5855A 美國安捷倫Agilent是德科技KEYSIGHT TrueIR熱像儀描述

U5855A TrueIR 紅外熱像儀可以避免生成不合標準的熱成像圖。U5855A 適用于預(yù)測性維護,包括工業(yè)或商業(yè)應(yīng)用中的熱點檢測、散熱分析,以及建筑驗收或醫(yī)學研究應(yīng)用。該熱像儀提供 320x240 精細分辨率功能,并且價位低于市場同類產(chǎn)品。另外,它可將遠距離對象的熱成像圖放大 4 倍,幫助了解圖像細節(jié)和快速發(fā)現(xiàn)問題。熱像儀支持 10 cm 微距拍攝,對無縫結(jié)構(gòu)或微細元件提供清晰銳利的熱成像圖。

U5855A 還配備了多種測量和分析工具,用于監(jiān)測溫度隨時間的變化并跟蹤溫度zui小值和zui大值等,使您能夠輕松獲得溫度記錄圖、散熱圖等圖像。它還提供內(nèi)置快速入門指南,幫助您快速掌握熱像儀操作。

借助免費的 TrueIR 分析和報告工具,您能夠輕松導(dǎo)入、分析和編輯熱成像圖,并且使用現(xiàn)成模板快速生成報告。更可貴的是,熱成像圖、可見光圖像或紅外可見光圖像可以并排顯示,以供進一步分析。

美國安捷倫Agilent是德科技KEYSIGHT U5855A TrueIR熱像儀主要特性與技術(shù)指標
精細分辨率功能,160 x 120 檢測器能夠獲得高達 320 x 240 像素的有效分辨率
4 倍數(shù)字變焦,放大遠距離對象以查看更多細節(jié)
10 cm 微距熱成像,精確測量對象并明確區(qū)分無縫元件

采用重心平均分布的設(shè)計,整體重量僅為 746 克
支持通過 SD 卡擴展存儲容量

內(nèi)置測量和分析功能以及 0.07° C 熱敏性(噪聲等效溫差)


Find potential problems more quickly with the higher resolution and affordability of the U5850 series TrueIR thermal imagers. Get 320 x 240 pixels of in-camera fine resolution from its detector resolution of 160 x 120 pixels. With the built-in image logging capability, easily track performance of the system you monitor at a specific interval. Plus, you can analyze temperature changes over time with trending graph.

Coupled with the powerful manual focus feature, users can focus on an object as close as 10 cm away – our solution provides clearer and sharper thermal images that reveal finer details.

Identify abnormalities faster with 4x more in-camera fine resolution
Monitor temperature changes through image logging and temperature trending capabilities
Ability to focus on objects as close as 10 cm away
Compact, lightweight, ergonomic
High temperature range (up to 1200 °C)
Easy-to-use customizable color palette
Configurable quick access buttons to easily change settings with one hand
Long product warranty - 3 years

U5856A美國是德KEYSIGHT紅外熱像儀 TrueIR Thermal Imager, 650 °C主要特性與技術(shù)指標
Identify abnormalities faster with 4x more in-camera fine resolution
Monitor temperature changes through image logging and temperature trending capabilities
Ability to focus on objects as close as 10 cm away
Compact, lightweight, ergonomic
Measure temperature up to 650 °C
Easy-to-use customizable color palette
Configurable quick access buttons to easily change settings with one hand
Long product warranty - 3 years

U5857A美國是德KEYSIGHT熱像儀 TrueIR Thermal Imager, 1200 °C主要特性與技術(shù)指標
Identify abnormalities faster with 4x more in-camera fine resolution
Monitor temperature changes through image logging and temperature trending capabilities
Ability to focus on objects as close as 10 cm away
Compact, lightweight, ergonomic
Measure temperature up to 1200 °C
Easy-to-use customizable color palette
Configurable quick access buttons to easily change settings with one hand
Long product warranty - 3 years

Find potential problems more quickly with 320 x 240 pixels of in-camera fine resolution. The U5856A is ideal for predictive maintenance activities, from hot spot detection to thermal profiling in industrial or commercial applications and higher temperature applications, such as welding, petro-chemical. Only from Keysight can you get a 320x240 fine resolution thermal imager with image logging and temperature trending capability at a lower price than the typical 320x240 thermal imager.

The U5850 series TrueIR thermal imagers have image logging capability, which enables you to log images at an interval over a period of time. Together with the trending analysis from the complimentary TrueIR Analysis and Reporting Tool, you can easily conduct temperature profiling on your design, perform equipment failure analysis or monitor machine performances.


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上一篇:E5071C是德KEYSIGHT E5072A網(wǎng)絡(luò)分析儀

下一篇:美國是德科技靜電計高阻表keysight B2985A