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基礎信息Product information

產(chǎn)品名稱:EA-PSI 8360-30德國進口大功率電源




中國電子行業(yè)儀器優(yōu)質(zhì)供應商——堅融實業(yè)JETYOO INDUSTRIAL專業(yè)為中國區(qū)用戶提供EA-PSI 8360-30德國進口大功率電源儀器設備、技術培訓與售后維修服務

產(chǎn)品特性Product characteristics

    中國電子行業(yè)儀器優(yōu)質(zhì)供應商——堅融實業(yè)JETYOO INDUSTRIAL & 堅友儀器JETYOO INSTRUMENTS,專業(yè)為中國區(qū)用戶提供EA-PSI 8360-30德國進口大功率電源儀器設備、技術培訓與售后維修服務,Support、銷售Sale、服務Service,3S公司,為上海華東地區(qū)一家以技術為導向的儀器綜合服務商,是您值得信賴的電子行業(yè)儀器專家。


EA-PSI 8360-30德國進口大功率電源?技術參數(shù) Technical Data
輸入 Input
-電壓 -Voltage 90...264V AC (針對型號 / Models 640W - 1500W), 有功率降額 / Derating < 150V AC時180...264V AC (針對型號 / Models 3000W), 有功率降額 / Derating < 207V AC時
-頻率 -Frequency 45...65Hz
-功率因數(shù) -Power factor >0.99
輸入: 電壓 Output: Voltage
-型號 -Type 直流 / DC
-精確度 -Accuracy <0.2%
-負載0-100% 時的穩(wěn)定度 -Stability at 0-100% load <0.05%
-在±10% ? U
IN時的穩(wěn)定度 -Stability at ±10% ΔUIN <0.02%
-負載從10%-100%調(diào)整需時 -Regulation 10-100% load <2ms
-負載從10-90%上升需時 -Rise time 10-90% zui長 30ms
-過壓保護 -Overvoltage protection 可調(diào), 范圍為0...110% Unenn / adjustable, 0...110% Unom
輸入: 電流 Output: Current
-精確度 -Accuracy <0.2%
-負載0-100% ? U
A時的穩(wěn)定度 -Stability at 0-100% ΔUOUT <0.15%
-在±10% ? U
IN時的穩(wěn)定度 -Stability at ±10% ΔUIN <0.05%
過壓類別 Overvoltage category 2
過熱保護 Thermal protection 輸出關閉 / Shutdown of the output
隔離耐壓 Isolation
-輸入對輸出 -Input to output 4200V DC
-輸出對外殼 -Output to enclosure 360V以下型號/ Models up to 360V: 500V DC,
720V以上型號/720V model: 1000V DC
污染等級 Pollution degree 2
保護級別 Protection class 1
模擬編程 Analogue programming
-輸入范圍 -Input range 0...5V 或 / or 0...10V (可轉換 / switchable)
- U / I的精確度 -Accuracy U / I <0.2%
串聯(lián) Series operation zui高 600V
-主-從 -Master-Slave 無 / no
并聯(lián) Parallel operation 不限 / no limit
-主-從 -Master-Slave 有,經(jīng)共享總線端可操作多至30臺產(chǎn)品 / yes, via Share bus, up to 30 units
安全標準 Standards EN 60950, EN 61326, EN 55022 級別 B / Class B
制冷 Cooling 風扇 / Fan
工作溫度 Operation temperature 0...50°C
儲存溫度 Storage temperature -20...70°C
相對濕度 Humidity <80%
使用高度 Operation altitude <2000m


型號 電壓 電流 功率 效率 Uzui大時的紋波 Izui大時的紋波 遠程感測補償電壓 尺寸 W H D ** 重量 * 產(chǎn)品編號
Model Voltage Current Power Effciency Ripple U Ripple I Remote sense compensation Dimensions W H D ** Weight * number Article
PSI 8032-20 2U 0...32V 0...20A 640W 90.5% 100mVPP / 8mVRMS 65mAPP / 10mARMS max. 2V 19“ 2U 380mm 9kg 09230417
EA-PSI 8065-10 2U 0...65V 0...10A 650W 93% 150mVPP / 10mVRMS 25mAPP / 3mARMS max. 2V 19“ 2U 380mm 9kg 09230418
PSI 8160-04 2U 0...160V 0...4A 640W 93% 120mVPP / 20mVRMS 3mAPP / 1mARMS max. 2V 19“ 2U 380mm 9kg 09230419
POWER SUPPLY EA-PSI 8080-40電源 0...80V 0...40A 0...1000W 90.5% 10mVPP / 4mVRMS 19mAPP / 7mARMS max. 2.5V 19“ 2U 460mm 11.5kg 09230410
EA-PSI 8040-60 2U 0...40V 0...60A 0...1500W 90.5% 10mVPP / 4mVRMS 19mAPP / 7mARMS max. 2.5V 19“ 2U 460mm 11.5kg 09230425
EA-PSI 8080-60 2U 0...80V 0...60A 0...1500W 90.5% 10mVPP / 4mVRMS 19mAPP / 7mARMS max. 2.5V 19“ 2U 460mm 11.5kg 09230411
EA-PSI 8360-15 2U 0...360V 0...15A 0...1500W 93% 50mVPP / 8mVRMS 1mAPP/ 0.45mARMS max. 8V 19“ 2U 460mm 11.5kg 09230414
EA-PSI 8040-120 2U 0...40V 0...120A 0...3000W 90.5% 10mVPP / 5mVRMS 25mAPP / 9mARMS max. 2.5V 19“ 2U 460mm 14.7kg 09230426
EA-PSI 8080-120 2U 0...80V 0...120A 0...3000W 90.5% 10mVPP / 5mVRMS 25mAPP / 9mARMS max. 2.5V 19“ 2U 460mm 14.7kg 09230412
EA-PSI 8160-60 2U 0...160V 0...60A 0...3000W 93% 20mVPP / 10mVRMS 18mAPP / 6mARMS max. 5V 19“ 2U 460mm 14.7kg 09230413
EA-PSI 8360-30 2U 0...360V 0...30A 0...3000W 90.5% 30mVPP / 12mVRMS 60mAPP / 21mARMS max. 8V 19“ 2U 460mm 14.7kg 09230415
PSI 8720-15 2U 0...720V 0...15A 0...3000W 90.5% 50mVPP / 20mVRMS 2mAPP / 1mARMS max. 16V 19“ 2U 460mm 14.7kg 09230416


EA-PSI 8000 2U 系列是一款由微處理器控制, 采用技術設計的實驗室電源。 其標準型號配備多種功能和特征, 讓用戶使用起來更方便、有效。
本產(chǎn)品可設置和存儲用戶與制程配置文檔, 這樣可改善重復測試或其它應用。
The microprocessor controlled laboratory power supplies of series EA-PSI 8000 2U cover state-of-the-art technology.
They already offer many functions and features in their standard version, making the use of this equipment remarkably easy and most effective.
User and process profles can be confgured, saved and archived so that the reproducibility of a test or other application is improved.
The extensive integrated monitoring functions for all output parameters with adjustable delays of alerts simplify test assembly, such that the usual external monitoring is mostly unnecessary.

效率高達 92%
輸出功率: 640W 至0...3000W
輸出電壓: 0...32V 至 0...720V
輸出電流: 0...4A 至 0...120A
有過壓保護 (OVP)
有過溫保護 (OT)
通過 0...10V 或 0...5V電壓可對U / I / P**編程
通過 0...10V 或 0...5V電壓可監(jiān)控U / I
Wide input voltage range 90...264V* with active PFC
High effciency up to 92%
Output power ratings: 640W up to 0...3000W
Output voltages: 0...32V up to 0...720V
Output currents: 0...4A up to 0...120A
Flexible, power regulated output stage**
Overvoltage protection (OVP)
Overtemperature protection (OT)
Graphic display for all values and functions
Status indication and notifcations via display
Remote sense with automatic detection
Analogue interface with many functions
U / I / P** programmable via 0...10V or 0...5V
U / I monitoring via 0...10V or 0...5V
Alarm management
Integrated function generator
Memory bank for user profles
Temperature controlled fans for cooling
40V models according to low voltage directive
Various options

Models from 1kW output power are equipped with a ?exible,
auto-ranging output stage. It provides a higher output voltage at lower output current or a higher output current at lower output voltage, always limited the max. nominal output power.
Therefore, a wide range of applications can already be covered by the use of just one single unit. The power set value is adjustable on these models from 0..100%, either manually or in remote control. Units with 1.5kW or higher are derated,i.e. reduced in their max. power at low input voltages.
All units are provided with an active Power Factor Correctioncircuit and models up to 1.5kW are suitable for a worldwideusage on a mains supply from 90V up to 264V AC.
DC output
Output voltages between 0...32V and 0...720V, outputcurrents between 0...4A and 0...120A and output powersbetween 640W and 0...3000W are available.
The output terminal is located on the rear panel.
For applications where a fast variation of voltage from a highto a low value is required, models from 1kW and up to max.
400V can be equipped with a two-quadrants power-sinkmodule (active load).
The fast voltage variation is achieved by the capability of thispower-sink module to faster discharge the internal flter capacitors, as well as flter capacitors of the equipment connected.
Overvoltage protection (OVP)
Intended to protect connected loads, it is possible to defnean overvoltage protection limit (OVP).
If the output voltage exceeds the defned limit, the output isshut-off and an acoustic warning signal will be given by theunit and also a status message signal, in the display and viathe analogue interface, is available.
Alarm management
For monitoring the correct output voltage and output current,lower and upper limits can be defned.
If the deviation exceeds the adjusted limits, three possibilitiesare available as to how the appliance should react.
- Signals are displayed only, even if the fault is still active,without affecting to the output.
- Warnings remain active and must be acknowledged afterthe fault is removed.
- Alarms will shut off the output instantly in case the deviationexceeds the adjusted limits.
Alarms and Warnings can be signalled audibly.
Remote sense
The standard sense input can be connected directly to theload in order to compensate voltage drops along the powerleads. If the sense input is connected to the load, the powersupply will be adjusting the output voltage automatically toensure the accurate required voltage is available at the load.
Display and controls
Set values and actual values of output voltage, outputcurrent and output power are clearly represented on thegraphic display. The operating state of the device, the menuguidance and the current assignment of the pushbuttons arealso shown on the display. So the user is able to operatethe unit intuitively.

1kW 以上型號輸出功率可靈活調(diào)整。可在低電流時輸出更高的電壓,或在低電壓時輸出更大的電流,都由zui大額定輸出功率來限制。 因此一臺該產(chǎn)品能涵蓋廣范圍的應用領域。設定功率可從0..100%之間可調(diào),或手動調(diào)節(jié)或遠程控制。 1.5kW型號產(chǎn)品有功率降額功能,即: 在較低輸入電壓時減少zui大輸出功率。

本系列所有型號都采用主動式功率因數(shù)校正線路, 1.5kW以下產(chǎn)品在為 90V 至 264V AC 輸入電壓下都可使用。

本系列有多款不同型號,可選擇0...32V和0...720V輸出電壓, 0...4A和0...120A輸出電流, 640W和0...3000W輸出功率的類型。
針對電壓由高至低快速躍變的應用, 1kW以上且電壓在400V以下的型號,可配上兩象限功率降額模塊(有源負載)完成該操作。
通過功率降額模塊對電源內(nèi)部濾波電容和連接負載的輸入濾波電容快速放電, 實現(xiàn)電壓的快速變化。

過壓保護 (OVP)
為保護連接負載,可設定一過壓保護極限值 (OVP)。
若輸出電壓超過調(diào)節(jié)極限值, 輸出被關斷, 顯示器和模擬接口發(fā)出一聲頻報警信號。

- 只顯示信號;即使錯誤仍存在,也不影響輸出。
- 警告一直持續(xù), 消除錯誤后必須確認警告信息。
- 報警會暫時關斷輸出。

遠程感測輸入端可直接連到負載設備,以補償連線上的壓降。 如果輸入端已接上負載,本電源會自動調(diào)整輸出電壓,以確保負載獲得準確所需的電壓值。

輸出電壓、 電流和功率的設定值、實際值都顯示于圖形顯示器上, 還包括產(chǎn)品的運作狀態(tài), 菜單指引和按鈕當前功能,故用戶能直觀地操作本產(chǎn)品。EA-PSI 8000 2U 640W - 3000W

Display and control panel
The adjustment of output voltage, output current and outputpower, or optional internal resistance, is realised by tworotary knobs. The rotary knobs are required for changingvalues in the different menus as well.
To prevent unintentional operations, all operation controlscan be locked.
函數(shù)由序列組成, 通過控制面板可對其進行修改。
一個函數(shù)由zui多5個序列組成,可按任意順序排列, 重復次數(shù)zui多為5次。
每個序列可設置zui大功率或可選內(nèi)阻, 重復次數(shù)為一至254次,或者無窮大。
Function manager
Functions consist of sequences and can be modifed via the control panel.
Up to fve different sequences can be assigned to a function in any succession or be repeated up to fve times.
For each sequence, the maximum power, or optionally the internal resistance, and a repetition value from once up to 254 times or endless can be confgured.
As well, the repetition of a whole function can be confgured from once up to 254 times or endless.
User profles
Via the control panel up to four different user profles can be stored. The user profles are designed to set and save user specifed parameter blocks.

在不影響輸出狀態(tài)的條件下設置輸出值, 顯示器上可先顯示預設值,即實際值的下方。
這樣用戶可預設期望輸出電壓、 電流和功率。并在預設清單內(nèi)存儲4組U / I / P參數(shù)塊。該清單內(nèi)的參數(shù)塊可上載作為常用需求值。

模擬接口位于產(chǎn)品后面板,供有模擬輸入腳,接上0V...10V或0V...5V電壓,可設置0...100%的輸出電壓、電流( 1kW或更大功率型號) 。
模擬輸出腳接上0V...10V或0V...5V電壓,可監(jiān)控輸出電壓和電流。此外, 還有幾個輸入和輸出腳,可用來控制和監(jiān)控產(chǎn)品狀態(tài)。

可利用匹配RS232、 CAN、 USB、 GPIB (IEEE)、 Profbus或Ethernet/LAN的絕緣數(shù)字接口卡,經(jīng)電腦控制產(chǎn)品。接口插槽位于產(chǎn)品后板,方便用戶插上新接口或替換當前接口。產(chǎn)品會自動檢測接口,并提示需要進行少許的配置或不用配置。隨接口卡附有免費Windows軟件,可用來控制和監(jiān)控,記錄數(shù)據(jù)和排序。也可參考63和64頁。
高速躍變 (僅針對1kW以上產(chǎn)品,見118頁)
Presetting of output values
To set output values without a direct reaction to the outputcondition, set values can be preset. They‘re shown on thedisplay, positioned below the actual values.
So the user can preset required values for voltage, currentand power. Also four parameter blocks for U / I / P can bedeposit in a preset list. From this list parameter blocks canbe loaded for frequently required values.
Built-in analogue interface
The analogue interface is located on the rear of the device.
It offers analogue inputs to set voltage, current and power(models from 1kW) from 0...100% through control voltagesof 0V...10V or 0V...5V.
To monitor output voltage and current, there are analogueoutputs with voltage ranges of 0V...10V or 0V...5V. Also,several inputs and outputs are available for controlling andmonitoring the device status.
Isolated digital interface cards for RS232, CAN, USB,GPIB (IEEE), Profbus or Ethernet/LAN to control the device by PC. The interface slot is located on the rear panel,making it easy for the user to plug in a new interface orto replace an existing one. The interface will be automatically detected by the device and requires no or only littleconfguration. Included with the interface cards is a freeWindows software which provides control and monitoring,data logging and sequences. See pages 63 and 64.
Analogue, galvanically isolated interface card with extended features
Internal resistance regulation
High speed ramping (only for models as from 1kW, alsosee page 118)
Internal, active power sink in two-quadrants operation(only for models from 1kW and up to 360V, see page 119)


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